location.hash から値を取り出してオブジェクト型で返す
location.hash から値を取り出してオブジェクト型で返す
let obj = hash2obj ("http://hoge.com#label?a=123&b="); obj = { hash : '#label', id : 'label', value: { a: 123, b: undefined }, query : '?a=123&b=' }
function hash2obj (arg = window.location.hash) { const reg0 = /^(#([^\?\;\=]*)?)(\?.*)?/, //hash, id, paramater に切り分ける reg1 = /\??([^\=\&\;\?]+)(?:=?([^\&\;$]*)?(?:\&|\;|$))/g; // name = value if (arg = reg0.exec (arg)) { let [, hash, id, query] = arg, value = { }; for (let r; r = reg1.exec (query); value[r[1]] = r[2]) ; return { id, hash, query, value }; } else return null; }
//obj = { tag: '????', attr: { key: value, ... }, text: 'sample text', cildlen: [obj0, obj1, ... ]} let arg = [ { tag: 'ol', attr: { id: 'hoge', className: 'abc def', childlen: [ //以下は同じ表示 { tag: 'li', text: 'ABCDEFG' }, { tag: 'li:ABCDEFG' }, { tag: 'li', childlen: ['ABCDEFG'] ] }, { tag: 'ol#hoge .abc .def' } //上の ol 要素と同じ意味 ]; document.body.appendChild (makeElement (arg));
function makeElement (arg, target = document.createDocumentFragment ()) { //tag: str -> tag #id .class : text に切り分ける const reg0 = /^\s*([a-z]+)\s*(?:#([a-z][0-9a-z]*))?\s*(\.[^\s\.]+(?:\s+\.[^\s\.]+)*)?\s*(?::?\s*(.*?)\s*)$/i, reg1 = /^\s+|\s{2,}|\s+$/g,//前後の空白、中間の2文字以上の空白を削除 reg2 = /\./g; switch (Object.prototype.toString.call (arg).slice(8, -1)) { //引数の型で処理 case 'Object' : let { tag = null, attr = { }, childlen = null, text = null } = arg, [ tagName, id, className, text1 ] = reg0.exec (tag), attr1 = { }, e; if (null == tagName) throw new Error ('tagName がありません'); e = target.appendChild (document.createElement (tagName));//要素作成 if (id) attr1.id = id; if (className) attr1.className = className.replace (reg1,'').replace (reg2,' '); Object.assign (e, attr, attr1);//属性上書き (text1 != null)&& ary2Element (text1, e);//文字列 (text != null)&& ary2Element (text, e);//文字列 (childlen)&& ary2Element (childlen, e); //子要素の追加 break; case 'Array' : let fgm = document.createDocumentFragment (); arg.forEach (a=> ary2Element (a, fgm)); target.appendChild (fgm); break; case 'undefined' : case 'Null' : arg = '';//break しない default : target.appendChild (document.createTextNode (String (arg))); break; } return target; }
//配列をテーブルに変換する(テキストの先頭を判別して th/td, colspan, rowspan, class を指定できる) function ary2TBody (ary, tbody = document.createElement ('tbody'), fg_del = false) { const //#[4,2].abc .def AAAA => <th colspan="4" rowspan="2" class="abc def">AAAA</th> reg0 = /^(#)?(?:\[(\d+)?(?:\,(\d+)?)?\])?\s*(\.[^\s\.]+(?:\s+\.[^\s\.]+)*)?\s*(.*?)$/, reg1 = /^\s+|\s{2,}|\s+$/g,//前後の空白、中間の2文字以上の空白を削除 reg2 = /\./g; if (fg_del) [...tbody.childNodes].forEach (e=> e.remove ());//子要素の削除 for (let row of ary) { let tr = tbody.appendChild (document.createElement ('tr')); //tbody.insertRow ();//fgmを許容するため for (let cell of row) { let str = null == cell ? '': String (cell);// null == undefined => true let [, hash, colSpan = 1, rowSpan = 1, className = '', textContent ] = reg0.exec (str); let td = tr.appendChild (document.createElement (hash ? 'th': 'td')); className = className.replace (reg1,'').replace (reg2,' ');//2つ以上のクラスに対応するため Object.assign (td, { colSpan, rowSpan, className, textContent}); } } return tbody; }
//配列をテーブルに変換する(高速・フラグメントを tbody に指定できない) static ary2QTBody (ary = [ ], tbody = document.createElement ('tbody')) { for (let row of ary) { let tr = tbody.insertRow (); for (let cell of row) { tr.insertCell ().textContent = cell; } } return tbody; //return ary.reduce((a,b)=>(b.reduce((c,d)=>(c.insertCell().textContent=d,c),a.insertRow()),a),tbody); }