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#MainMenu {
width :680px;
height: 300px;
#MainMenu ul {
float :left;
list-style: none;
overflow : auto;
margin : 0;
padding : 0;
height : 300px;
#MainView {
width : 500px;
#MainView li {
margin : 0;
padding : 0;
height : 300px;
#MainView li img {
border : 0px none;
#ItemList {
list-style: none;
width : 180px;
#ItemList li {
width : 180px;
height: 50px;
#ItemList li a {
width : 180px;
height: 50px;
border :0px none;
#ItemList li a img {
width : 180px;
height: 50px;
border: 0px none;
<div id="MainMenu">
<ul id="MainView">
<li><img src="./img/0.gif" alt="xxx0">
<li><img src="./img/1.gif" alt="xxx1">
<li><img src="./img/2.gif" alt="xxx2">
<li><img src="./img/3.gif" alt="xxx3">
<li><img src="./img/4.gif" alt="xxx4">
<li><img src="./img/5.gif" alt="xxx5">
<li><img src="./img/6.gif" alt="xxx6">
<ul id="ItemList">
<a href="#">
<img src="./img/0.gif" alt="yyy0" class="hv">
<a href="#">
<img src="./img/1.gif" alt="yyy1" class="hv">
<a href="#">
<img src="./img/2.gif" alt="yyy2" class="hv">
<a href="#">
<img src="./img/3.gif" alt="yyy3" class="hv">
<a href="#">
<img src="./img/4.gif" alt="yyy4" class="hv">
<a href="#">
<img src="./img/5.gif" alt="yyy5" class="a hv bc">
<a href="#">
<img src="./img/6.gif" alt="yyy6" class="hv">
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var AutoChanger = function ( id, wait, step, span ) {
var p = document.getElementById ( id ); if( !p ) return;
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s.overflow = 'hidden', s.position = 'relative';
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tc = o.nextSibling;
if( 'LI' == o.nodeName ) {
o.style.position = 'absolute';
ts.push( o );
} else p.removeChild( o );
this.change = function ( n, r ) {
if( no == n ) return;
no = ( 'number' == typeof n ? n: no + 1 ) % ts.length;
r = ( 'number' == typeof r ? r : Math.random() * 4 ) % 4 |0;
var target = ts[ no = no % ts.length ];
var z = [[ 0, -th], [ tw, 0 ], [ 0, th ], [ -tw, 0]][ r ];
var fade = 1;
var s = target.style;
var that = this;
p.appendChild( target );
(function ( ) {
if( 0.001 < ( fade /= step ) ) {
s.top = ( z[1] * fade | 0) + 'px';
s.left = ( z[0] * fade | 0) + 'px';
opacity = 1 - fade + '' ;
return setTimeout( arguments.callee, span );
that.start( );
this.start = function ( ) {
return tmid = setTimeout( (function ( that ) {
return function ( ) { that.change( ); };
})( this ), wait );
this.stop = function ( ) {
return clearInterval( tmid );
return this.start();
var ListRoller = function ( id, step, span ) {
var p = document.getElementById( id ); if( !p ) return;
var ts = p.getElementsByTagName( 'LI' );
var s = p.style;
var c = 0, b = 0, max = 0, tmid, o;
s.overflow = 'hidden', s.position = 'relative';
step = step || 2, span = span || 50;
while( o = ts[ c++ ] ) {
s = o.style;
s.position = 'absolute';
s.left = '0px';
s.top = ( max += b ) + 'px';
b = o.offsetHeight;
this.start = function ( ) {
return tmid = setInterval( (function ( that ) {
return function ( ) {
var i = 0, o, h, t;
if( step > 0 ) {
while( o = ts[ i++ ] ) {
t = ( h = o.offsetTop + step ) - max;
if( 0 < t ) h = -o.offsetHeight + t;
o.style.top = h + 'px';
} else {
while( o = ts[ i++ ] ) {
t = ( h = o.offsetTop + step ) + o.offsetHeight;
if( 0 > t ) h = max + t;
o.style.top = h + 'px';
})( this ), span );
this.stop = function ( ) {
return clearTimeout( tmid );
return this.start( );
ListRoller.memory = [ ];
ListRoller.Listener = (function ( ) {
var m;
return function ( evt ) {
var e = evt. target ;
var p = P( e, 'nodeName', 'UL' ) || { };
if( m ) {
m.obj && m.obj.start( );
m = ListRoller.memory[ p.id ];
if( m ) {
m.obj && m.obj.stop( );
m.cbFunc && m.cbFunc( e, C( P( e, 'nodeName', 'LI' ) ) );
function P(n,t,v){return n?v==n[t]?n:arguments.callee(n.parentNode,t,v):null}
function C(n,c,t){
if((c=-1)&&n&&(t=n.nodeName))do c+=(t==n.nodeName);while(n=n.previousSibling)
return c;
ListRoller.add = function ( id, step, interval, cbFunc ) {
var e = document.getElementById( id );
if( ! this.memory[0] )
document. addEventListener(
'mouseover', ListRoller.Listener, false );
if( e && 'UL' == e.tagName && !ListRoller.memory[ id ] )
this.memory[ id ] = { cbFunc: cbFunc, obj: new this( id, step, interval ) };
var ImageHover = function ( cssName, addStr ) {
var reg_chk = new RegExp( '(^|\\s)' + cssName + '($|\\s)' );
var reg_rep = new RegExp( '^(.+)(\\..+)$' );
var reg_pbk = new RegExp( '^(.+)' + addStr + '(\\..+)$');
var m;
return function ( evt ) {
var e = evt. target ;
if( m && m != e )
m.src = m.src.replace( reg_pbk, '$1$2' );
if( 'IMG' == e.nodeName && reg_chk.test( e.className ) ) {
e.src = e.src.replace( reg_rep, '$1' + addStr + '$2' );
m = e;
document. addEventListener(
'mouseover', ImageHover( 'hv', '_rev' ) , false );
ListRoller.add( 'ItemList', -1, 100, (function ( that ) {
return function ( e, n ) { that.change( n, 1 ); };
})(new AutoChanger( 'MainView', 3000, 1.3, 50 ) ) );